How did france make money from its colonies

how did france make money from its colonies

The survival of an overseas colony depended on the promotion of local businesses, the harvesting of natural resources and the production or supply of basic necessities such as food. Fishing Station, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, c. This section deals with the beginnings of commerce during the era of French colonization in North America. Whaling and cod fishing, both seasonal activities, prompted the settlement of the first French colonists on the continent. Of course, only a small proportion of the population were directly hoow, but fishing and whaling nevertheless continued to be a significant component of the economy throughout the course of the French regime and even much later. But the fur trade was the real economic driver of New France. The harvesting of furs created wealth, stimulated the exploration of the continent and created alliances with many Aboriginal peoples.

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)}French explorer Mony had visited and mapped the New England coast a number of times before the Pilgrims arrived in This map of New France was drawn how did france make money from its colonies and includes all of what is now New England. About the same time John Smith and the Jamestown settlers were setting up camp in Virginia, France was building gow settlements of their. Samuel de Champlain led a group of Fron colonists through the mouth of the St. Lawrence River to found Quebec in The fur trade hiw fortune seekers deeper and deeper into North America. French Jesuit missionaries boldly penetrated the wilderness in the hopes of converting Native Americans to Catholicism. ByFrance had laid claim to an expanse of territory that ranged from Newfoundland in the Northeast, down across the Fom Lakes through the Ohio Valleysouthward along the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexicoand as far west as the Rocky Mountains. There were profound differences between New England and New France. The English colonies, though much smaller in area, dwarfed the French colonization in population. French Huguenotsthe dominant religious minority, therefore found no haven in New France. Land was less of an issue in France than England, so French peasants had less economic incentive to leave. The French Crown was far more interested in its holdings in the Far East and the sugar islands of the Caribbean, so the French monarchs did little to sponsor emigration to North America. Eventually, the sparse French population would be no match for the more numerous British colonists as the wars raged on.⓬

Early American History

The French began exploring and claiming lands in North America in the ‘s. Giovanni da Verrazzano was the first to lead a French expedition in North America in The fur trade was the major money source for the French in North America. When the French first came to North America, many of the settlers fished Become a Study.


In the sixteenth century, the lands were used primarily to draw from the wealth of natural resources such as furs through trade with the various indigenous peoples. In the seventeenth century, successful settlements began in Acadia and in Quebec. By , the population of the new Province of Quebec reached approximately 70, settlers. The British expelled the Acadians in the Great Upheaval from to , which has been remembered on July 28 each year since Some also went to France. In , Spain returned its portion of Louisiana to France under the secret Treaty of San Ildefonso , and Napoleon Bonaparte sold it to the United States in the Louisiana Purchase of , permanently ending French colonial efforts on the American mainland. New France eventually became absorbed within the United States and Canada, with the only vestige of French rule being the tiny islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

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The purpose of this outrageous act was to send a clear message to all other colonies that the consequences for rejecting France would be very high. Sylvanus Olympio , the first president of the Republic of Togo, a tiny country in west Africa, found a middle ground solution with the French. It was the only conditions for the French not to destroy the country before leaving. The financial situation of the newly independent Togo was very unstable, so in order to get out the situation, Olympio decided to get out the french colonial money FCFA the franc for french african colonies , and issue the county own currency. As these numbers demonstrate, France is quite desperate but active to keep a strong hold on his colonies what ever the cost, no matter what. Until now, , Togo and about 13 other african countries still have to pay colonial debt to France. African leaders who refuse are killed or victim of coup. We often accuse African leaders of corruption and serving western nations interests instead, but there is a clear explanation for that behavior. They behave so because they are afraid the be killed or victim of a coup. They want a powerful nation to back them in case of aggression or trouble. African leaders would work in the interest of their people if they were not constantly stalked and bullied by colonial countries. I still have to find out the complete details about the amounts, the evaluation of the colonial benefits and the terms of payment imposed on the african countries, but we are working on that help us with info. The final say is that of the French Treasury which has invested the foreign reserves of the African countries in its own name on the Paris Bourse.


All Rights Reserved. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Hottest Questions. Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions. Asked in France. How did the colonists from France plan to make money in the New World? The colonists make their money through the economic. Asked in Colonial America How did colonists make money? They made ffrance by selling tobacco.

Asked in France How did France make how did france make money from its colonies from its colonies? France owned many colonies throughout the New World. They were able to make money to purchase land for their colonies by exploiting the resources available in their existing colonies. Asked in France How does France make mohey money? Asked in Colonial America How did the colonists make their money?

Asked in History How did fgom artisan make his or her money? Asked in Personal Finance How do people in France make money? People in Frane make money or make their living by working in bakeries, shops or factories. They also act, sing and dance for people all around the world. Asked in Colonial America What saved Jamestown by allowing the colonists to make huge sums of money?

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Asked in Virginia What was the purpose for founding Virginia? Virginia was founded to make money for the colonists that moved. Asked in Maryland How did maryland’s colonists make their money? By franc their crops. Corn, cotton, and tobacco. Asked in New France How did new France make there money? That dont make any sense. Asked in Massachusetts Why did Spanish colonists settle in America? To put taxes on colonists, and make money for the upcoming wars.

Asked in New France How did people in new France make money? Most of the colonists in Virginia made money by farming. Money was also earned by selling surplus items such as butter, cheese and clothing. Asked in Salary and Pay Rates How much money does the beer industry make world wide? Trending Questions.

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)}The French colonization of the Americas began in the 16th century, and continued on into the following centuries as France established a colonial empire in the Western Hemisphere. France founded colonies in much of eastern North America, on a number of Caribbean islands, and in South America. Most colonies were developed to export products such as fish, rice, sugar, and furs. The French first came to the New World as travelers, seeking a route to the Pacific Ocean and wealth. Lawrence River. The French subsequently tried to establish several colonies throughout North America that failed, due to weather, disease, or conflict francd other European powers. Cartier attempted to create the first permanent European settlement in North America at Cap-Rouge Quebec City in francd settlers but the settlement was abandoned the next year after bad weather and attacks from Native Americans in the area. A small group of French troops were left on Parris Cplonies, South Carolina in to build Charlesfortbut left after a year when they were not resupplied by France. Fort Caroline established in present-day Jacksonville, Floridain coloniea, lasted only a year before being destroyed by the Spanish from St. An attempt to settle convicts on Sable Island off Nova Scotia in failed after a short time. Ina sixteen-person trading post was established in Tadoussac in present-day Quebecof which only five men survived the first winter. In [2] Pierre Du Gua de Monts and Samuel de Champlain founded a short-lived French colony, the first in Acadiaon Saint Croix Islandpresently part of the state of Mainewhich was much plagued moneh illness, perhaps scurvy. The following year the settlement was moved to Port Royallocated in present-day Nova Scotia. Samuel de Champlain founded Coolonies and explored the Great Lakes.⓬
